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Writer's picture: Coach Yvette LynnCoach Yvette Lynn

Updated: Nov 12, 2023


Greetings and Blessings,

I wanted to send a word of encouragement to you today to remind you that holding on to certain people and things can sometimes block your blessings from manifesting.

That was me… holding on for dear life to a relationship that would not be restored, a job that didn’t give me fulfillment, promises that never manifested and shattered dreams.

Wondering what’s next for me. Feeling frozen in time because I was broken hearted, confused, busted and disgusted with the merry go round mentality. Any of this “Sound familiar?”


The fear of failure, having to transform or begin again can paralyze you and cause you to remain stationary.

Honestly it is quite common for people to hold on to stuff that can hinder them from living a purpose driven life.

This is because we get comfortable with the way things are. We may have difficulty accepting the raw reality that some things and people will not be the same anymore.


Release yourself from people that have negative energy, toxic relationships and friendships that only drag you down.

Let go of grudges and forgive those that hurt you. When you forgive it will set you free on so many levels. You’ll no longer be prisoner to the enemy’s mind games.

Letting go requires courage, faith and the mind set to be intentional about your future successes.

When you learn to let go, you will see the silver lining and the plan that God has for you will emerge.


You know you’re living free when you have peace of mind even with the uncertainties that life brings.

We keep hearing the words Get used to the "NEW NORMAL”. what I conclude when I hear this, is that we as a society are being encouraged to “let go” of the old and

embrace new beginnings.

We must learn how to thrive and not just

survive in our “new normal”.

Letting go of our own will and accepting the will of God creates open doors and opportunities.


I am reminded of how Jesus tested Peter in [Luke 5:4] it says “Now when he had left speaking, he said to Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught”.

Jesus is giving instructions after Peter was frustrated from fishing all night and had nothing to show for it.

In order for Peter to receive his blessing he had to let go of his pride and from practicing things his own way. Then he had to

be obedient to what Jesus asked him to do.

Letting go of doing things our own way helps us to receive a blessing of abundance.

Here’s What To Expect:

Peter ended up catching so many fish that his net broke. Talk about overflow; I think we could all use some of that right now.

Letting go and living free is the perfect recipe for all of your miracles and blessings to spring forth and over take you.

Expect it , believe it , receive it. Letting go and living free has your name written all over it.

Let me know if this blessed you and share your prayer

request if you so desire.

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